Assist. Prof. Dr | Adonis | Sfera | Patton State Hospital | United States | Best Faculty Award |
Dr | Dina | Eltahan | High Institute of Engineering and Technology New Damietta | Egypt | Best Innovation Award |
Ms | Mayra Dayana | Lopez Carrasquilla | University of Houston | United States | Best Keynote Speaker |
Prof | Andrzej | Buras | Technical University Munich | Germany | Best Researcher Award |
Prof | Bruce | Hoeneisen | Universidad San Francisco de Quito | Ecuador | Best Researcher Award |
Prof. Dr | marcel | ausloos | university of Leicester | France | Best Researcher Award |
Assist Prof Dr | Marcin | Tomsia | Medical University of Silesia | Poland | Best Researcher Award |
Prof. Dr | Maricel | Agop | "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University Iasi | Romania | Best Researcher Award |
Assoc. Prof. Dr | Takayuki | Isii | Okayama University | Japan | Best Researcher Award |
Dr | Ovidiu Cristinel | Stoica | National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering - Horia Hulube | Romania | Best Researcher Award |
Dr | Uzma | Tabassam | COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad Pakistan | Pakistan | Best Researcher Award |
Mr | Maxence | Berry | University of Poitiers | France | Best Researcher Award |
Prof | Lahouari | Semlala | Oran's Higher School of Electrical and Energy Engineering (ESG2E) | Algeria | Best Researcher Award |
Dr | Dina | Eltahan | High Institute of Engineering and Technology New Damietta | Egypt | Best Researcher Award |
Assoc. Prof. Dr | Mohsen | Khatibinia | University of Birjand | Iran | Best Researcher Award |
Dr | Mohammad | Ghorbanalilu | Department of physics, Shahid Beheshti University | Iran | Best Researcher Award |
Assist. Prof. Dr | Felipe | Villalobos | Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción | Chile | Best Researcher Award |
Dr | Muhammad Umair | Farooq | Institute of Physics, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan | Pakistan | Best Researcher Award |
Dr | Rachid | AMRANI | University of Algiers | Algeria | Best Researcher Award |
Mr | AmirHossein | Sobati | School of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Tehran | Iran | Best Researcher Award |