Dr. Erik Schoenemann | Dark Matter Studies | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Erik Schoenemann | Dark Matter Studies | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Erik Schoenemann, European Space Agency (ESA) – Navigation Support Office, Germany

Erik Schönemann is a Navigation Engineer at the European Space Agency (ESA) in the Navigation Support Office. He specializes in satellite navigation systems, contributing to the development and maintenance of critical technologies that ensure accurate and reliable positioning data for various ESA missions and applications.



Educational Details

Erik Schönemann plays a pivotal role in coordinating the ESA/ESOC Navigation Support Office’s contributions to key International Association of Geodesy (IAG) services, including the International GNSS Service (IGS), the International Laser Ranging Service (ILRS), and the International VLBI Service (IVS), all of which support the Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS). As the technical manager of the Galileo Geodetic Service Provider consortium, he oversees the generation of the Galileo Terrestrial Reference Frame. His work extends beyond operational tasks, as he has initiated and supervised multiple ESA studies focused on enhancing algorithms for Precise Orbit Determination and Space Geodetic data processing. Additionally, he has actively participated in Concurrent Design Facilities, contributing to the planning and development of future ESA missions.

Research and Innovations

During his time at the University of Darmstadt, Erik Schönemann conducted several studies for the European Space Agency, including work on the Galileo High Accuracy Positioning Services (HAPS). Upon joining ESA, he continued his commitment to advancing navigation technology by initiating and supervising research projects focused on enhancing algorithms for Precise Navigation.


As a research associate at the Technical University of Darmstadt, Erik Schönemann executed precise navigation studies and authored a PhD thesis on the analysis of GNSS raw observations in PPP solutions. Currently, as a Navigation Engineer at ESA/ESOC’s Navigation Support Office, he is responsible for initiating and managing R&D activities in geodesy and precise navigation. Erik has spearheaded and supervised multiple studies aimed at improving and evolving ESA’s operational Geodetic products. His work significantly contributes to the Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) and enables fundamental science projects such as the Galileo gravitational Redshift test with Eccentric sATellites (GREAT) and the GAlileo Survey of Transient Objects Network (GASTON).

Top Notable Publications

Bertrand, B., Defraigne, P., Hees, A., Mendes, L., Delva, P. (2024). Searching for large dark matter clumps using the Galileo Constellation clock variations. Advances in Space Research, 74(6), 2551–2563. [Open access]

Steindorfer, M.A., Koidl, F., Kirchner, G., Strangfeld, A., Gonzalez, F. (2024). Satellite laser ranging to Galileo satellites: symmetry conditions and improved normal point formation strategies. GPS Solutions, 28(2), 73. [Open access]

Śliwińska-Bronowicz, J., Kur, T., Wińska, M., Zhao, X., Zhou, Z. (2024). Assessment of length-of-day and universal time predictions based on the results of the Second Earth Orientation Parameters Prediction Comparison Campaign. Journal of Geodesy, 98(3), 22. [Open access]

Laurenti, M., Stallo, C., Bellardo, V., Swinden, R., Traveset, J.V. (2022). Reference Frames Analysis for Lunar Radio Navigation System. Proceedings of the International Technical Meeting of The Institute of Navigation, ITM, 2022-January, 606–615. [Conference Paper]

Rovira-Garcia, A., Juan, J.M., Sanz, J., Cacciapuoti, L., Schoenemann, E. (2021). A multi-frequency method to improve the long-term estimation of GNSS clock corrections and phase biases. Navigation, Journal of the Institute of Navigation, 68(4), 815–828. [Open access]

Rovira-Garcia, A., Juan, J.M., Sanz, J., Cacciapuoti, L., Schoenemann, E. (2021). Removing day-boundary discontinuities on GNSS clock estimates: methodology and results. GPS Solutions, 25(2), 35. [Open access]