Award Winners

 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Selected for
ProfLahouariSemlalaOran's Higher School of Electrical and Energy Engineering (ESG2E)AlgeriaBest Researcher Award
DrRachidAMRANIUniversity of AlgiersAlgeriaBest Researcher Award
MrPatrickKeaneUniversity of South AustraliaAustraliaBest Researcher Award
Prof DrAdrianCheokNanjing University of Information Science and TechnologyAustraliaBest Researcher Award
DrDipeshKhanalThe University of SydneyAustraliaBest Researcher Award
MrDiprajDebnathQueensland University of technologyAustraliaBest Researcher Award
DrSolmazKahourzadeUniversity of south australiaAustraliaExcellence in Research
Assist. Prof. DrMD. MOZAHARALIAmerican International University-Bangladesh (AIUB)BangladeshBest Researcher Award
Prof. DrLeonardodos Santos LimaFederal Education Center Technological of Minas Gerais, Belo HorizonteBrazilBest Researcher Award
Assoc. Prof. DrLubomirTraikovDept. Medical Physics and Biophysics; Faculty of Medicine; Medical University-SofiaBulgariaBest Researcher Award
DrBèwadéyir SergePodaInstitut de Recherche en Sciences de la SantéBurkina FasoBest Researcher Award
DrHippolyte TeneMouafoInstitute of Medical Research and Medicinal Plant StudiesCameroonBest Researcher Award
Assist. Prof. DrAmiraliAmirsoleimaniYork UniversityCanadaBest Scholar Award
DrAlexRamirez-SerranoUniversity of CalgaryCanadaBest Researcher Award
DrDuoXuCITA, University of TorontoCanadaBest Researcher Award
Assist. Prof. DrFelipeVillalobosUniversidad Católica de la Santísima ConcepciónChileBest Researcher Award
Assoc. Prof. DrFengLiuXi’an Shiyou UniversityChinaBest Researcher Award
MrLuZhangEnerTech-Drilling&Production Co., China National Offshore Oil CorporationChinaBest Researcher Award
MrbolinrenNational University of Defense TechnologyChinaBest Researcher Award
MrHuaingLiuShandong University of Science & TechnologyChinaBest Scholar Award
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Selected for